In this post, we will see Fundamentals of Subprograms | PPL | Sebesta | fundamentals of subprograms, ppl, sebesta, fundamentals of subprograms
1. Fundamentals of
Characteristics of
a. Each subprogram has a
single entry point.
b. The calling program unit
is suspended during the execution of the called subprogram, which implies that
there is only one subprogram in execution at any given time.
c. Control always returns to
the caller when the subprogram execution terminates.
1. Subprogram Call
A subprogram call is the explicit request that a
specific subprogram be executed.
2. Active Subprogram
A subprogram is said to be active if, after
having been called, it has begun execution but has not yet completed that
3. Subprogram Header
A subprogram header, which is the first part of
the definition, serves several purposes.
def adder parameters :
This is the header of a Python subprogram named adder .
Ruby subprogram headers also begin with def .
The header of a JavaScript subprogram begins with function.
In C, the header of a function named adder might be as
void adder ( parameters )
4. Body of Subprogram
The body of subprograms defines its actions.
In the C-based languages (and some others—for example,
JavaScript) the body of a subprogram is delimited by braces.
In Ruby, an end statement terminates the body of
a subprogram.
As with compound statements, the statements in the body
of a Python function must be indented and the end of the body is
indicated by the first statement that is not indented.
5. Parameter Profile
The parameter profile of a subprogram contains
the number, order, and types of its formal parameters.
6. Protocol
The protocol of a subprogram is its parameter
profile plus, if it is a
function, its return type.
7. Subprogram Declaration
Subprogram declarations provide the subprogram’s
protocol but do not include their bodies. Function declarations are common in C
and C++ programs, where they are called prototypes. In most other
languages (other than C and C++), subprograms do not need declarations, because
there is no requirement that subprograms be defined before they are called.
8. Formal Parameters
The parameters in the subprogram header are called formal
9. Actual Parameters
Subprogram call statements must include the name of the
subprogram and a list of parameters to be bound to the formal parameters of the
subprogram. These parameters are called actual parameters.
10. Positional Parameters
The correspondence between actual and formal parameters
or the binding of actual parameters to formal
parameters is done by
position. Such parameters are called positional parameters.
11. Keyword Parameters
When lists are long, however, it is easy for a
programmer to make mistakes in the order of actual parameters in the list. One
solution to this problem is to provide keyword parameters, in which the
name of the formal parameter to which an actual parameter is to be bound is
specified with the actual parameter in a call.
e.g. Python functions can be
called using this technique, as in
sumer(length = my_length,
list = my_array, sum = my_sum)
where the definition of sumer has the formal parameters
length, list, and sum.
Some authors call actual parameters arguments
and formal parameters just parameters.
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