Tuesday, 28 April 2015

How to create a blog on Google Blogger (including Using custom Domain for Blog, Creating custom url link for the post, Checking number of worldwide views, Earning money from the blogs).

                In this post, we will see "How to create a blog on Google Blogger".
               Google Blogger is one of the most popular websites for writing blogs. Here, we will see complete details starting from writing first blog's first post.
             We will go through the following points, 
                   1. Creating your first blog and writing first blog's first post.
                   2. Writing multiple posts for the same blog.
                   3. Creating another blog for the same Google ID.
                   4. Using custom domain name for your Blog.
                   5. Creating custom url link for the post. 
                   6. Checking number of worldwide views of your blog.
                   7. Earning money from the blogs. 

                 Lets see in detail,

1. Creating your first blog and writing first blog's first post:
           1. Go to the www.blogger.com

             2. Enter your google id (which you use for gmail) and password for that id to get logged in to the www.blogger.com.

             3. Click on "New Blog".

            4. Enter title for blog for e.g. Computer Science, Medical Science, Machine Learning, Game Theory or any topic (technical or non-technical) on which you want to write blog. 

            5. Write address for your blog like <Your_blog_name>.blogspot.com (e.g. comrevo.blogspot.com) If the same name is used by someone else, then it will show that it is unavailable. If it is unavailable, then try for another name. Keep on doing this thing until you get message "This blog address is available".

            6. You can choose the template for your blogs. If you do not choose, then by default it will choose template "Simple". Then click on "Create blog!"

           7. Now your blog address is created. You will get a new window. To write first post, click on "Start posting" or click on a button on which pencil symbol is there.

           8. Give a title for this particular post into the textbox provided there.

          9. Write the text for your post. You can also do the text formatting(e.g. bold, italic etc.) by using toolbar provided there. You can also set the HTML code by clicking on the button named "HTML" if you know HTML.

         10. Now click on "Publish" button to publish the post worldwide on Internet. It will automatically save the post text which you have written.

         11. Access your blog by writing the url  <Your_blog_name>.blogspot.com (e.g. comrevo.blogspot.com) on any web browser. Congratulations for you. You have successfully written your first blog's first post on Google Blogger.

2. Writing multiple posts for the same blog:
              You can write multiple posts for the same blog. For this, get logged in to the www.blogger.com. Choose the blog(click on the blog title) and then click on "New Post". Follow the same procedure as above for this new post.

3. Creating another blog for the same Google ID:
             You can create multiple blogs for the same Google id. For this, get logged in to the www.blogger.com. 
             Click on "New Blog" and follow the same procedure as above. 

4. Using custom domain name for your Blog:
                       Go through the link http://www.comrevo.com/2015/06/using-custom-domain-name-for-your-blog-on-blogger.html.

5. Creating custom url link for the post:
               Blogger automatically generates url link for the post. It generates url from post title. You can change post's url and set it as you want. For this, Edit the post. Click on "Reverse to draft" button which is besides Update or Publish button. Then click on "Permalink". Choose "Custom Permalink". Mention the post's url name as you want. Separates the words by hyphen(-). e.g. how-to-write-blog-on-google-blogger.html. Don't use underscore(_) for words separation as google search engine considers underscore as a part of the word. If you wish that, google search engine should show your post as earlier as possible, then choose the name of post's url by which people search on google search engine. 

6. Checking number of worldwide views of your blog:                      
              You can check number of page views for your blog by again logging in to your blogger account by same google id and by clicking on "Stats"
              You can check page views for last two hours("Now"), last day, week, month or for all time.
              You can also check the page views per post.


 7. Earning money from the blogs:
                   You can also earn money from the google blogs. For this click on "Earnings". Create an account on Google Adsense. Get approved your account from google for advertisements. For approval, your blogs must have multiple posts and it must have a good content, not copied from other sources. Once it is approved, it will provide you advertisements as per content of your posts. To put advertisements into your blog, go to the "Layout". Click on "Add a Gadget". You will get some options. Click on '+' symbol besides "AdSense". New window will get opened which will show some advertise. Then click on "Save". Thats it.


               Thanks a lot!! Wish you Happy Blogging...

Watch following video:

Watch on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DeibtuhWLaU

Next Post: How to use custom domain name for your Blog on Blogger (domain name from godaddy) - Explanation with screenshots

Previous Post: GATE Papers for Practise

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