Wednesday, 24 February 2021

Virtual Computer in PPL | Firmware

                     In this post, we will see Virtual Computer in PPL | Firmware | virtual computer in ppl,operation of a computer,operation of a computer system,basic structure and operation of a computer,firmware,firmware kya hota hai,firmware video

       A computer was defined as an integrated set of algorithms and data structures capable of storing and executing programs. We considered ways in which a given computer might actually be constructed:


1. Through a hardware realization, representing the data structures and algorithms directly with physical devices.


2. Through a firmware realization, representing the data structures and algorithms by microprogramming a suitable hardware computer.


3. Through a virtual machine, representing the data structures and algorithms by programs and data structures in some other programming language.


4. Through some combination of these techniques, representing various parts of the computer directly in hardware, in microprograms, or by software simulation as appropriate.


Dia: Layers of Virtual Computers for Web Application


Watch following video:

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