Monday 15 March 2021

Introduction To Data Abstraction | PPL | Sebesta | Abstract Data Types and Encapsulation Constructs

                   In this post, we will see Introduction To Data Abstraction | PPL | Sebesta | Abstract Data Types and Encapsulation Constructs | introduction to data abstraction, ppl, sebesta, abstract aata types, abstract data types and encapsulation constructs  

1. Introduction to Abstract Data Types




Process Abstraction


Data Abstraction

              It is also known as Information Hiding. It allows users to create data objects (variables) of Abstract Data Types and also allows users to perform some operations on those data objects but implementation of these types are hidden from the users.


Data Abstraction for Built-in Data Types (e.g. floating-point type)


User-Defined Abstract Data Types


Benefits of Abstract Data Types:

i. Increased Reliability

ii. It reduces the range of code and number of variables of which a programmer must be aware when writing or reading a part of the program.

iii. Makes name conflicts less likely, because the scope

of variables is smaller

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